Most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily with the person concerned, often at the time they arise, and this may be the approach you try first.
Where you are not able to resolve your complaint in this way to may wish to make a formal complaint. This can be done so either verbally or in writing.
When you make a complaint please provide as much detail regarding specific incidents as possible as this will help your complaint to be investigated.
A complaints form can be found on our website or can be collected from our reception.
Please send written complaints to Aaron Cameron:
- By email:
- By Post: Beech Tree Surgery, 68 Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9AJ
Verbal complaints can be made to any member of the Beech Tree Surgery team.
You may also make your complaint directly to Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care Board, who commission our service:
- By telephone: 01904 555999
- By email:
- By post: The Experience Team, Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, Health Place, Wrawby Road, Brigg DN20 8GS