Protected Learning Time

Protected Learning Time

Protected Learning Time (PLT) events are peer-led sessions for all our primary care staff.

PLT provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to learn about new clinical developments, updates to national guidance, and best practice whilst also sharing their own experience and knowledge with their peers. 

Fundamentally PLT is about improving patient care by providing a dedicated learning time for healthcare professionals away from their busy day-to-day primary care work.

These events take place once a month and will evolve and be tailored to the needs of clinicians and clerical staff. Each event could be run either locally by the PCN, regionally by the ICB or individually by Beech Tree Surgery.

PLT graphic

Regardless of who is running the event, during our closure, there is always a helpline provided for urgent clinical help with an on-call doctor. As this service is always covered by a different provider, the number will be made available on the day via our telephone message, website & signs on the front door.